The article is available in Swedish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Widgit Go (SE, Fi, ENG) möjliggör en vidareutveckling av…
The article is available in Swedish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Widgit Go (SE, Fi, ENG) möjliggör en vidareutveckling av…
The article is available in Finnish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Julkishallinnon puolella ajatusten itämisajat saattavat olla 5-10 vuotta. Toteutukseen…
The article is available in Swedish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. I det följande redogör vi för vår vidareutveckling av…
The article is available in Finnish and Swedish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.…
The article is available in Finnish and Swedish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.…
The article is available in Finnish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Ostanko kommunikointiappsin ja ipadin kun julkinen systeemi ei vedä,…
The article is available in Finnish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Opinnäytetyönä on ilmestynyt Hoitotyön kommunikoinnin käsikirja – siis kuvakommunikoinnin,…
The article is available in Swedish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Emilia har autistiska drag med utvecklingsstörning och kan varken…
Kansainvälisen puhumattomien viikon aikana on käyty keskustelua eri foorumeilla viittomista – oli sitten kyse tukiviittomista, viitotusta puheesta tai viittomakielestä. Papunetin nettikeskustelu alkoi vinkeillä Bovallius –ammattiopiston ammattiviittomista ja Papunetin kuvapankista ja –työkalusta. Laajempi vinkkiluettelo lienee tarpeen kaikille osapuolille, jotta turvaamme puhumattomien…